'The shakha and the
Mahatma; a collage.' Photo: Himal Southasian - April 2000 print issue.
'The shakha and the Mahatma; a collage.' Photo: Himal Southasian - April 2000 print issue.

The diminishing of Indian politics

The failure of political imagination is what is most distressing about today's India. It is a failure of both the left and the right, at the local as well as the global arena, and it is a failing all the more ironic because it comes hidden behind the celebration of Indian democracy. Perhaps the tragedy actually begins there…

…At one time, politics was one of the most open of India's clubs—more accessible than the bureaucracy, the educational system, or even the market. Politics allowed new groups and new imaginations to enact their aspirations in a hopeful landscape. This same political domain had a tremendous ability to absorb disorder, confident that disorder was the beginning of a new equilibrium. In fact, the cycle from disorder to new order added to the democratic imagination, which was how a Laldenga of the Mizo underground could surface as a chief minister through a democratic electoral process.

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Himal Southasian