Violence, voices and visibility

Violence, voices and visibility

What are the ethical implications surrounding graphic depictions of sexual violence in the media?

On the morning of a hot day at the end of May, the thick branches of a mango tree in dusty Katra Sadatganj village in Badaun district of Uttar Pradesh bore not luscious mangoes, but a macabre burden: the distended bodies of two adolescent girls.  Pictures floating on the internet show the bodies of two teenagers strung up on the tree, a crowd standing witness, unable to tear their eyes away from the horrific sight. Children gawk, women mourn, men bristle with anger. The two young cousins, aged 14 and 16, had been abducted in the evening when they had gone into a field to relieve themselves. Their families went to lodge a complaint soon after they realised the girls had not returned, but the police refused to search for the missing girls, even though an  eyewitness had seen them being dragged away, screaming. The next morning, the village woke up to the gruesome sight. It did not take long to conclude that the girls had been gang-raped and murdered. The culprits were also no secret. The villagers refused to take down the bodies in protest. Several hours later, only after one of the five accused had been arrested, did the families take the bodies down and allow themselves to mourn.

WEB-EXCLUSIVE PACKAGE Mass media and the Modi 'wave' by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta

Pakistan's media wars by Beena Sarwar

Owning the news by Gouri Chatterjee

Kashmir's media story by Anuradha Bhasin Jamwal

Women in the newsroom by Amrita Tripathi


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