VOICES for the week of 12 February

campaigns without a cause!

potential campaigns i will embark upon to make this world (re: nepal) one tad bit better (i'm only half kidding here. no, seriously):

pebbles for pee!

i am so sick of having to be the one that is embarrassed when i'm not the one aiming at the wall, in a random corner of the street, relieving myself. it's a little difficult to walk over or wait till public pee-ers are done with their business to tell them how it is wrong to fertilize the sidewalk since it won't be soaking up any of the nutrients anyway and instead stinks up the street and makes it awkward to walk where pedestrians are meant to walk…so i suggest we launch a campaign wherein people (men AND women. i won't discriminate. positively or negatively) may throw pebbles at those pee-ing in public. i would discourage rocks since that may be slightly detrimental too future offenders but since this is a risque project i suggest you target the guilty square in the "eye" – just enough to startle them and then annoy them so they think twice before they unzip their pants.

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Himal Southasian