Downtown Yangon
Photo: Wikimedia Commons/ Go-Myanmar
Downtown Yangon Photo: Wikimedia Commons/ Go-Myanmar

Waiting for disaster

Burma has failed to learn lessons from Cyclone Nargis.

Cyclone Nargis was unique. It hit Burma's main population corridor with an intensity that few had prepared for. Since it blew across southern Burma in May 2008, killing nearly 139,000 people and displacing hundreds of thousands, efforts to improve disaster preparedness in the country have largely been top-down. The material situation and attitude on the ground has barely changed. A complex confluence of economic, political and environmental reasons has prevented the efficient formulation of disaster-preparedness policy and its implementation.

In Yangon, for example, unrestrained growth has set back safety standards. Although in the immediate aftermath of the cyclone the city had showed tremendous resilience in bouncing back, it has since repeated many of the same mistakes, such as the lack of long-term planning and under-funded enforcement.

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Himal Southasian