Witnessing history: The kernel of Kashmir

A roundtable meeting was jointly organised by Panos South Asia and Himal Southasian on the subject of sustaining the peace dialogue between India and Pakistan. Specifically, the agenda was to look beyond 'confidence-building measures' and to focus on the eight-point composite dialogue between the two governments. The keynote address at the retreat, held in Bentota, Sri Lanka was presented by legal luminary and columnist A G Noorani. We reproduce below an edited transcript of his address, extemporaneously delivered. While Noorani ranged far and wide on the many subjects that make up the composite dialogue, what is presented here are his views on the all-important matter of Kashmir. The Bentota meeting was the third in a series of India – Pakistan retreats, the first two being on the role of the press in escalating bilateral tensions or ushering peace, and the second on nuclear proliferation in Southasia. A forthcoming meet is planned to discuss the subject of Kashmir itself

'This term, the 'composite dia-logue', is a rather misleading summation of what has been at the kernel of India-Pakistan relations since their birth.

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Himal Southasian