A ‘fair-plus’ deal

A ‘fair-plus’ deal

Cover interview: Deb Mukharji

Indian perception of Bangladesh: Indians have never quite understood the Bengali Muslim mind and its aspirations. This is reflected in how 1971 is seen against a largely Indo-Pakistani construct. They do not understand that while Bangladesh is a Muslim country with a Muslim ethos, there is a firm commitment to cultural and linguistic roots. At the same time, while the push for Pakistan might have come from the Muslims of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, the substance of Partition came from the Muslims of East Bengal, who wanted an end to Hindu domination. Pakistan was a dream for the Muslims of UP and Bihar, but for Muslims of East Bengal it had substance. Punjabi Muslims were latecomers in the Pakistan project and the NWFP, in fact, required a referendum. In a slip of the tongue, sometimes people in India still refer to Bangladeshis as Pakistanis – they have not mentally adjusted to Bangladeshis as a different nationality with a different outlook and different priorities. I should add that some Bangladeshis too have similar slips of the tongue.

The bilateral relationship: On the dissonance in the India-Bangladesh relationship, I do believe that it is largely fallout from the internal political dynamics of Bangladesh. India might not have been particularly generous, but it has not been malicious either. There is no ill will towards Bangladesh. New Delhi wants delivery on security, but it needs to deliver on its side, as well, on the all-important matter of trade. My suggestion is for a 'fair-plus' approach in all matters concerning Bangladesh, which would be based on Indian self-interest rather than magnanimity. The term 'elder brother' is anathema to me. It seems like condescension and cannot be the basis for a productive relationship. Bangladeshis run their own country as a sovereign nation. The election results represent who the people of Bangladesh want.

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