A flood of dams

India's Northeast has been identified by New Delhi as the country's future 'powerhouse', and Arunachal Pradesh is slated to be the major contributor. In 2001, the country's Central Electricity Authority did a preliminary ranking of the hydroelectric potential of various Indian rivers. It identified 168 large projects in the Brahmaputra Basin alone, which collectively could generate more than 63,300 megawatts of hydropower. Out of these projects, as many as 87 were in Arunachal Pradesh.

Subsequently, in 2003, a new hydropower initiative was launched at the national level, promising 50,000 MW of power. Under this, initial reports were prepared for 42 projects in Arunachal, out of which 19 were short-listed for further investigation. Prior to these studies, at least ten large projects in the state were either already in operation, under construction or in an advanced planning stage; since then, the number has skyrocketed. The current figure of completed, under construction and planned projects is 104, in both the public and private sector, promising a cumulative 55,556 MW of energy.

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