Abu in London
Cartoon: Abu Abraham / Himal Southasian, December 2008

Abu in London

Southasia's most prominent political cartoonist spent some of his formative years cartooning in Britain

Fleet Street has been a magnet for journalists around the globe ever since the world's first daily newspaper, the Daily Courant, was published in London on 11 March 1702. Amongst the foreign journalists who have come to Britain over the past 300 years have been a number of cartoonists and caricaturists, especially after the launch of the satirical magazine Punch in 1841.

Attupurathu Mathew Abraham ('Abu') arrived in London in 1953 for what he intended to be a three-month visit, and eventually stayed on for 16 years. He started his London career as the first-ever political cartoonist on the Observer, the oldest Sunday newspaper in the world, founded in 1791. He later worked for three years on the leftwing weekly Tribune; and from 1966 to 1969, he was also a daily 'pocket' (single-column) cartoonist for the Guardian, which described him as "the conscience of the Left and the pea under the princess's mattress".

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Himal Southasian