Cogito (I’m a South Asian), Ergo Sum!

South Asia's nation-state approach to identity has spawned an introverted polity that clips history to suit short-sighted nationalism. It ignores other ethno-linguistic and religious tapestries that define South Asianhood.

With apologies to René Descartes, am I a South Asian? If yes, when did I become one?

Identities, we are told, are not innate to individuals but are socially constructed. If the SAARC region between 60 and 100 meridians south of the Hindukush-Himalaya cordillera can be characterised by anything, it is by its surfeit of identities. Whether in terms of language, ethnicity, fairly racist varna, property-based class, religious rituals, physiographic zones, ecological niches, urban-rural divides, modern political ideology or tradition-ascribed roles, identity abound here as perhaps nowhere else on the globe.

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Himal Southasian