Contemporary Concerns

The presumption is that as a category intellectuals, ceteris paribus, define their own agenda of issues that deserve study, reflection or speculation at a given historical juncture. Such an agenda is expected to articulate contemporary social, economic, and political concerns of a society discussed in research work, debates within universities and academia, in journals and periodicals and in the popular press. The purpose of the note is to propose what some of these intellectual concerns should be, and why.

Nepali Identity and Nepali Nationalism. While dwelling on a lot of peripheral issues, Nepal´s educated have tended to ignore matter related to the national identity. What is a Nepali identity? What makes it distinct? Has the evolution and manifestation of Nepali nationalism reflected the totality of our personality as a nation? Are we on the move towards a modern notion of nationalism; in a multi-ethnic context how can a polycentricpan-. Nepali nationalism be nurtured; how do we pro vide a democratic and developmental relevance to Nepali nationalism?

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