Letter from Nagasaki

Dear Pakistanis,


I am sickened – sickened to my stomach – at the sight of these jubilant faces ´celebrating´ Pakistan´s nuclear tests. These are the faces of unashamed ignorance. These are faces that have never even given a thought, let alone seen, the evil that is manifested in nuclear arms. I have seen it first hand. I am the granddaughter of a survivor of Nagasaki, and I bear the scars of that living hell in my deformed feet, one eye that cannot see and a left hand that only lies motionless at my side. My mother too is a victim of severe physical deformities that she has inherited genetically from my grandmother – all thanks to the ´miracle´ of nuclear energy that Pakistan and India are celebrating so fervently today.

How can any sane human being believe detonating nuclear devices provides security? Is sitting on a ticking time bomb a position of security (the people of Chernobyl have an answer to that)? Is sitting on the brink of nuclear war a secure position to be in? I think not.

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Himal Southasian