Jugalbandi: Freewheelin’ Lou Majaw

Jugalbandi: Freewheelin’ Lou Majaw

Our first glimpse of Lou Majaw comes just outside the Guwahati airport – his face is building-sized, emblazoned high above the multi-lane expressway to Meghalaya, on an advertisement for Star Cement. These billboards turn out to be ubiquitous. By the time we wind our way up from the Brahmaputra floodplain into the cloud-wreathed Khasi hills, the legendary rocker of the Northeast seems a reassuringly familiar fixture on the landscape, unmistakeable even in the fading light that slowly obliterates the thick pine forests lining the road to Shillong.

But when we set out to find Majaw the next morning, the rocker turns out to be as elusive as the fast-rising mist of his hometown. We knew that he could not be contacted via the Internet, but now learn that he does not have a permanent contact number or even a fixed address. Then we discover that you cannot buy a copy of his albums in any of the music stores in Shillong, because he prefers to remain his own sole distributor. One day goes by, then two, and still no sign of the Khasi cowboy in his signature cut-off jeans, as we console ourselves with innumerable plates of addictive smoked pork and fermented soybeans from the jadoh stall he is rumoured to frequent.

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