“Hunger is more powerful than nationalism.”

• Is there such a thing as a South Asian civilisational community?
There is no such thing as a South Asian ´community´, only South Asian ´communities´. Even the term ´South Asian´ is defensive, a substitute for ´Indian´. Unfortunately, the term ´India´ has been hijacked by the Indian nation-state. I do wish the old term ´Hindustan´ had survived. I myself use ´South Asian´ because I do not want my non-Indian colleagues to feel I am appropriating their space. In the original sense, India´s civilisational spread is from Afghanistan to Vietnam.

• Is there a validity in narrowing it down to a South Asian region?
Culturally we are close to each other. It is a land mass of hundreds of interlocking communities, they are not less than 600. In the past, these communities kept a check upon each other and at the same time provided a certain vivacity and dynamism to the larger region. Today, we´ve lost that. I do not care how many nation states are drawn up behind rigid boundaries; the nation-state is a borrowed concept from 19th-century Europe.

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Himal Southasian