People’s Law in Pakistan

The noise, the drum, the poem, the song, the film, the word – these are the methods by which the World Tribunal on Iraq (WTI), held in Istanbul in June 2005, came to be and began investigating the truth. Indictments and testimony were presented, recalling and articulating crimes, lies and deceit. In its course, the tribunal uncovered imperial machinations where states of exception and permanent war become the norm; where collective punishment becomes the means of policing; and where mercenaries of torture and pain are invoked as 'extraordinary renditions'.

The WTI produced judgements aimed at addressing the gap created by the failure of international institutions to protect Iraq. The final session of the WTI collated this testimony and produced a verdict (drafted by a 'jury of conscience' whose spokesperson was Arundhati Roy) that can be read as a veritable manifesto for the new anti-war movement.

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Himal Southasian