Unclear Days

One more nuclear test. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif given tumultuous welcome in Lahore. Addresses rally. Newborn named Atom Khan.

28th May
The astrologers are predicting 21st June 1998 as the date when war will erupt between India and Pakistan. They also say that if it does not then the rest of the year will pass peacefully.

Foreign Minister Gauhar Ayub has stated that guesstimates of when the nuke tests will take place are just like guessing how many days should the eggs remain beneath the hen.   The Action Committee of Traders in Peshawar has suggested to Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif that he should do an Istikhara on whether to conduct tests or not. An Istikhara is a procedure whereby consolation is sought from Allah, who gives signs in the seeker's dreams.   Pakistan Transport Workers Union Punjab has urged the PM and the army chief to carry out the tests. Quoting history, the union president said that when Gandhi had asked how will Pakistan be made, the freedom fighter Sardar Abdur Rab Nishtar had slapped him and said, "That's how".   Metropolitan Corporation Lahore (MCL) as part of its cleanliness drive has rounded up 28 cows and exiled them from the city. The operation was filmed on video.

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