Native Informant on the Veiled Life

Letters to Emily: Glimpses of Life from Inside and Outside the Haveli

by Shireen Nana nee Mirza

Kifayat Academy, Karachi, 1994 and 1996

125 pages

This book was apparently written in time for the United Nation´s Fourth Conference on Women held in Beijing in September 1995, to provide international delegates with the opportunity to "know more about the veiled side of life through a woman´s eyes". This is, therefore, a Pakistani venture (state-endorsed) to reveal the truth about life in Sindhi villages, and to demystify some of the notions about feudalism and its treatment of women.

The 1996 version of the book is divided into two sections. The first is in the form of letters to Emily, an American friend of the author. The second, titled "Other Recollections" gives a few pen-pictures of the writer´s life and experiences, and includes the remarkable "A Leper´s Tale". The author herself is a cosmopolitan, Westernised and, at the same time, traditional woman who, because of her husband´s job and her family position, lived in far-flung rural areas of Sindh during the early 1950s. The book performs an anthropological role, and the author occupies the position of "native informant", opening up the inner sanctum of the haveli to both Emily and the world.

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