Man of Comparative Insights
The Conditions of Listening: Essays on Religion, History and Politics in South Asia
by Richard Burghart
Edited by C. J. Fuller and Jonathan Spencer
Oxford University Press, Delhi, 1996
Price: INR 695
ISBN 0 19 563807 7
When anthropologist Richard Burghart passed away in January 1994 at the age of 49, he left behind several incomplete and unpublished research reports and a huge corpus of published writings. An American by birth, Mr Burghart finished his college in western Massachusetts and went on to complete a doctoral dissertation entitled The History of Janakpurdham: A Study in Asceticism and the Hindu Polity in 1978 at London´s School of Oriental and African Studies. This ethno-historical work was never printed in its entirety even as Mr Burghart published several articles based on it. While he taught in the UK (1978-1988) and later at the University of Heidelberg, Mr Burghart published many articles which now stand as testimony to his stature as a formidable scholar of South Asian history and society.