Children of assi

a short story

Auntie is the best mother she can be under the circumstances; ten-year-old Gopal remembers no other. But her heart is heavy, he is too much for her. If she were a good woman with a husband it would be different.

She smiles at the boy sitting on the floor, "Ai! his smile, his eyes: so brilliant, so pure. He is more than 1 deserve and I feel like a thief, the way I steal trust from a child," she confides to herself, as she ducks through the curtain into the alcove that is her kitchen and Copal´s sleeping place. She speaks in a loud whisper, her eye on the stained door-curtain. "Out little imp! Eat your chapati on the ghat, and go play until it is time for school. Save one for tiffin. Here, let me comb your wild hair down. Now out! Go! before uncle wakes up; this Bengali has no patience for children and he will not keep coming if he wakes and finds you here."

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Himal Southasian