Illustration: Akila Weerasinghe / Himal Southasian
Illustration: Akila Weerasinghe / Himal Southasian

Translating a pandemic

The impact of COVID-19 terminology on Southasian languages.

How do languages in Southasia speak to one another? This is the question driving Himal's new series Dialectical, which explores the region's languages, their connections, their shared histories, and perhaps their futures. From phonology to pejoration, semiotics to semantics, dialects to diglossia, our resident experts on Southasian languages will provide social, political and historical insights on the subtle intricacies, and at times the absurdities, of the languages in the region. Like all things at Himal, these articles will not stop at borders, natural or artificial, but will tell stories of peoples and cultures, wherever they lead.

~ The Editors


A lot has changed since the onset of COVID-19 more than a year ago. The pandemic has altered our lives in many ways. It has led to economic and social disruption but one of the lesser-discussed aspects of this disruption is the pandemic's lexical impact on our languages.

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Himal Southasian