Eliza Draper, Sterne's Eliza by Arnold Wright, London.
William Heinmann, 1922.
Eliza Draper, Sterne's Eliza by Arnold Wright, London. William Heinmann, 1922.

The life and letters of Elizabeth Draper

The world celebrated the tercentenary of writer Laurence Sterne (1713- 1768) in 2013. A tribute to the woman who inflamed his passions, Eliza, born in a remote south Indian village.

It was a plunge into darkness.

She could hear the waves dashing against the wall below, and see the distant light of the ships anchored in the harbour through the misty night. She hoped out there was the small boat from HMS Prudent that would carry her to a new life. Or death.

Above, the Marine House was steeped in darkness, her window open to the sea and the rope hanging down by the side of the wall. She had chosen the right moment to leave, through the window, when darkness descends on the shore. It was a flight of desperation, from a husband who failed to understand her, from everything that made life unbearable. She was leaving after 15 years in his household, when she entered his life with high hopes as a 'girl-wife' at 14. She knew not where she would end up, "the next 24 hours will destine me to the grave or a life reproach," she had scribbled hurriedly in a farewell note to her faithful friend as she fled.

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