Illustration by Manjula Padmanabhan. From From 'Himal Southasian’s' Cartoon Congress Issue published in December 2008.
Illustration by Manjula Padmanabhan. From From 'Himal Southasian’s' Cartoon Congress Issue published in December 2008.

Dancing with demons

Cartooning, stress and laughing at death.

(First published in our December 2008 issue)

There are two questions I used to be asked by journalists when they interviewed me as a cartoonist. The first question was: Do Indians have a sense of humour? This was asked in an earnest but mournful tone − We Indians don't have a sense of humour, do we? − as if the answer was utterly obvious: Of course we don't! We're a nation of grim-faced rationalists for whom humour and kinky sex are one and the same!

I would begin grinning even before they asked the question, because ­in my opinion, it was a bit ridiculous – we might as well ask, 'Are Indians human?' because humour is basic to the human condition. It has often been said that humans are the only creatures that laugh. Surely we are the only species to make that odd sound, somewhere between a scream and grunt, a cackle and shout, which we call laughter − and we are certainly the only species to dedicate so much of our resources to an entertainment industry.

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Himal Southasian