Shop selling Sindoor in Pushkar, Rajasthan. Photo : Wikimedia Commons / Grizolda
Shop selling Sindoor in Pushkar, Rajasthan. Photo : Wikimedia Commons / Grizolda

On how to be a woman

How the missing sindoor in my hair provoked unwelcome attention from a complete stranger

(This article is a part of the web-exclusive series from our latest issue 'The Marriage Issue'. More from the print quarterly here.)

If you are a woman in Southasia, chances are that you've been told how to be one. If you don't have well-meaning relatives to tell you how, the media does the job instead. Recently, on a flight from Varanasi to Mumbai, I found myself being coached on the subject by an elderly lady. The topic, under discussion, slightly modified, was how to be a 'married' woman.

Ever since I chose to marry last year, I knew some haranguing was bound to come my way. However, what I hadn't accounted for was random strangers taking up the task of making a woman out of me.

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