Erosion of the Nepali world

Nepal has entered a telescoped period of self-destruction in which a perfectly worthy country has been laid to ruin by power-hungry commissars with discredited ideology who have handed guns to the youth. This is class war without an identifiable class enemy. Arrayed against the Maoists are Nepal's political parties, the intelligentsia, kingship, the police, the media – and the army at the latest instance – all of whom have watched this national disintegration with singular selfishness. It is the Nepali on the hill terrace whose world is being eroded and destroyed.

If, apart from the killings on both sides, there is a single factor that has been constant about the 'People's War' launched by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist), now in its seventh year, it is its unpredictability. Unpredictable not only in what the Maoist leadership is going to do next, but also in terms of how events are going to develop in the mainstream of Nepali politics.

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Himal Southasian