A taste of berries

Driving down Mall Road in Lahore this morning on the way to the Home Ministry Office to apply for a visa extension – sweaty palms, dry throat – I fail to appreciate the sunshine, bouncing gaily off the orange funnels of tiger lilies colouring the median divide. A puff of cotton, hovering over the cars ahead, catches my attention. Hoping to escape the anxious whatifs in my mind, I latch onto the white-haired seed, following its rise and fall through the air … now just missing the raised white glove of a traffic policeman, now gliding behind the young motorcyclist whose t-shirt logo inspires me this morning: "Think DONE!"

The traffic light turns green. As the car speeds forward, I crane my neck to catch a last glimpse of the white puffball rising above the blue smoke of the spluttering autorickshaws. What a din of mufflers!

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