How the cresent fares in Nepal

The mauzzin calls the faithful to prayer from a minaret that vies for height with the Ghanta Ghar next door and the tower of the Narayanhiti Royal Palace a little further on. It is Friday, and the faithful gather from the far comers of Kathmandu to offer Khutabah at the Nepali Jame Masjid.The crowd bottles up the traffic emerging from the city´s exclusive Durbar Marg plaza.

In itself, the setting is not out of ordinary. The mauzzin has been calling from this spot for a long time, perhaps since the reign of King Pratap Malla in the early 17th century. What has changed over the last year is that the modest historic edifice has been demolished and a spanking new marble-sided, petro-dollar-financed structure, many times larger, has been erected in its placa Meanwhile, the number of Muslim adherents who turn up for prayer has increased more than ten fold over the last decade.

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