Northeast Rebel Roundup

When Luit Deuri surren­dered with 300 rebels on 13 August, little did any­one realise his disclosures would unsettle basic perceptions. The former "G2" of the United Libera­tion Front of Assam (ULFA) made three major revelations, first in an interview to this writer (that was broadcast on the BBC) and then to the Assam police. Deuri said that ULFA was receiving weapons from China on a regular basis; that many of these consignments were now coming into ULFA's bases in Bhutan from Tibet over the Himalayan passes; and that, in the past, ULFA had picked up weapons consign­ments from Chittagong port in Bangladesh, where they had been landed by the Chinese, concealed in cargo vessels. Deuri's diaries are lost, but he remembers two dates when he took delivery of the weapons.

A review of the state of the various Northeast rebellions by a noted journalist of the region reveals that the quiet on the Naga and Mizo fronts is accompanied by a suddenly sputtering Tripura, and an ULFA that seems to be receiving support from Beijing.

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