Not quite made in Tibet

It is a Lhasa shop-front, with bins full of t-shirts meant for tourists. Many of these are embroidered with the likeness of the Potala, the traditional palace of the Dalai Lama. A man is untying a sack containing a new consignment of t-shirts, these bear the message "Yak, Yak, Yak, Yak, Tibet" over four embroidered yaks.

The name of the Nepali-speaking merchant is Amar Bajracharya, also known by his Tibetan name, Tsering. He starts untying the bundle. The labels all read "Made in Tibet", but the shipment has just arrived by truck on a three-day overland journey across the Himalaya from Kathmandu. There, the cotton t-shirts were embroidered by Indian hands from Bihar, who have never seen a yak in their life.

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Himal Southasian