Summits are lonely places

Stories abound about Sungdare Sherpa. Funny stories mostly, always to do with a man in inebriety. Amusing when he was alive, they aren't now . The five-time conqueror of Everest died on October 16 by falling – or hurling himself – in the river below his village Pangboche. The stories don't amuse now because Sungdare, from all accounts, died a distressed man. Whether distress caused his drinking, or drinking caused it, is uncertain.

Sherpas, and others who recounted the tales, derived vicarious pleasure from Sungdare's doings. He was Sungdare, five-time Everest summiter, the last two climbs with most of his toes missing. Few shared his glory; few deserved it more: the feats of a new generation of Sherpas such as Sungdare, Pertemba, and Ang Rita have dispelled all notions that Sherpas are only good high-altitude porters.

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