The don of Khulna

The surrender of a professional murderer is bad news for several Bangladeshi police officers and politicians.

He has possibly killed more people than any other pro fessional criminal in Bangladesh. Before he surrendered in August 1999, Ershad Shikder is said to have done away with around 50 people during his 15-year career in crime. Those murders came while he practically ran Bangladesh´s second largest port-own, Khulna, operating everything from ice factories to fishing trawlers, flesh trade to drugs, all the while extorting money from the town´s businessmen as protection fees.

For the cops, the arrest of Shikder was the easy part, slapping charges not so. The fact that Shikder had been a member of all political parties that ruled Bangladesh, complicated matters more. Worse, his friends in the police department were so many that over two dozen police officers went into hiding following his arrest.

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Himal Southasian