Mary and Human Liberation

Logos Vol 29 Nos 1 & 2, March/July 1990

Centre for Society and Religion, Colombo.

Construct of Traditional Catholic Theology
The development of theology concerning Mary—or of Manology—is a very interesting and intriguing example of how a religious institution can evolve its teaching, patterns of worship, life style of members and spirituality from very simple beginnings. It reveals the importance and impact of the first presuppositions on the course of subsequent evolution of theology. Traditional Marian theology was developed in the Catholic church in the background of its general construct of theology that has prevailed from the early centuries till Vatican II—and in some ways up to the present times.

Many elements of Marian theology specially the defined dogmas are not contained as such in the Gospels which narrate the life and work of Jesus. Mariology is very much an evolution of subsequent centuries—with first references going back to St Irenaeus in the second century.

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