Seed Dispersal Patterns of the Dipterocarps of Sri Lanka

Short fiction

SEED DISPERSAL Patterns of the Dipterocarps of SriLanka—this is the title of my research proposal.

A fruit with-two wings—that's-what the word means—any botanist would know that. "It's the calyces that become the wings. There are five-, but only two-have become wings." I showed Christy the three undeveloped auricular projections on the brownish red fruit I picked up from the ground. "In some species, there are three wings; some have just one, some don't have any. But they are all Dipterocarps."

The wings had veins, like the wings of an overgrown cockroach. Christy was looking down very intently. I held the dry fruit in the palm of my hand. "These socks,"she said still looking down and at the same time turning her foot at different angles. "The leeches don't go through them?"

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Himal Southasian