Afghan journalists under attack, surveillance after Pegasus, Olympics 2020, and more.

Afghan journalists under attack, surveillance after Pegasus, Olympics 2020, and more.

Southasiasphere episode 10: Updates and analysis from around the region.

Southasiasphere is our monthly roundup of news events and analysis of regional affairs. If you are a member, you will automatically receive links to the new episodes in your inbox. If you are not yet a member, you can still get it for free by signing up here.

In this episode, we talk about the impact of escalating violence on journalists in Afghanistan, and digital surveillance in Southasia beyond India, which was the only country from the region to feature in recent investigative reports on the Pegasus spyware. In Around Southasia in 5 minutes, we look at the political situation in Myanmar six months after the military coup, a new prime minister in Nepal, debates on a controversial higher-education bill in Sri Lanka, among other stories. Plus in our culture section Bookmarked, we look at the media coverage of Tokyo Olympics 2020, bring updates from the world of Southasian meme culture, and recommend a recent exhibition on Myanmar's contemporary art.

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