Podcast: India’s hit and run law, the launch of XPoSAT, Muhammed Yunus convicted for labour law violations and more

Podcast: India’s hit and run law, the launch of XPoSAT, Muhammed Yunus convicted for labour law violations and more

Your Southasia news roundup from 24 Dec 2023 - 6 Jan 2024

Southasiasphere is our roundup of news events and analysis of regional affairs, now out every two weeks. If you are a member, you will automatically receive links to new episodes in your inbox. If you are not yet a member, you can still get episode links for free by signing up here.

In this episode, we talk about truckers protesting India's proposed hit and run laws, Pakistan's Election Commission rejecting Imran Khan's nomination for upcoming elections, India's Space Research Organisation launching a rocket to study black holes, Nobel laureate Muhammed Yunus being convicted of violating Bangladesh's labour laws, protests in Balochistan, the resumption of work on a Chinese-funded deep seawater port in Myanmar, Sri Lanka's moratorium on Chinese research vessels, the deaths of two protesters in Kathmandu and the closure of the UNHCR office in Sri Lanka.

Himal Southasian Podcast Channel · Southasiasphere 6 Jan: India's hit and run law, the launch of XPoSAT, and more

Episode Notes:

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Himal Southasian