A funeral for victims of a blast in Peshawar in March 2022. The attack occurred at a Shia congregation hall, but many publications in Pakistan did not identify the victims as Shias. Photo:  IMAGO / Xinhua
A funeral for victims of a blast in Peshawar in March 2022. The attack occurred at a Shia congregation hall, but many publications in Pakistan did not identify the victims as Shias. Photo: IMAGO / Xinhua

Fighting the erasure of anti-Shia violence in Pakistan

Pakistan’s mainstream media obscures violence against Shias and other minorities, but volunteers online are documenting the bloody reality facing their people

It was a regular day in March 2022 when every journalist in the newsroom I was working in simultaneously received a WhatsApp message. The message, sent by a reporter, said that militants had attacked a mosque in Peshawar.

Soon the newsroom was abuzz with activity. Television sets were turned up to maximum volume, and loud voices filled the room. As reporters hurriedly prepared breaking-news updates, live coverage of the incident started to stream in.

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Himal Southasian