One year after the Karauli violence, some Muslim residents are still waiting for compensation and justice. Many residents also report that there is now a lack of trust between the Hindu and Muslim communities. Photo courtesy: Abdul Wahid
One year after the Karauli violence, some Muslim residents are still waiting for compensation and justice. Many residents also report that there is now a lack of trust between the Hindu and Muslim communities. Photo courtesy: Abdul Wahid

Muslims suffer in the aftermath of 2022 violence in Rajasthan’s Karauli

Several Indian states have seen increased anti-Muslim violence during Hindu festivals and processions. In Karauli, after attacks during Ram Navami in 2022, Muslim victims allege police brutality, discrimination, no compensation.

Saif Azam is a freelance reporter. Danishmand Khan is a freelance journalist and a final year journalism student. Abdul Wahid is a video journalist and a final year journalism student.

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The year 2022 saw an increase in violence targeting Muslims during Hindu festivals in several states of India. Most of the attacks followed a similar pattern: carrying out Hindu festival processions in Muslim-dominated areas, playing anti-Muslim songs on loudspeakers, chanting communal slogans and attacking properties owned by Muslims.

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