Illustration: Benazir Bhutto, Sirimavo Bandaranaike and Indira Gandhi and Sheikh Hasina / Himal Southasian
Illustration: Benazir Bhutto, Sirimavo Bandaranaike and Indira Gandhi and Sheikh Hasina / Himal Southasian

More than a seat at the table

A crossborder discussion on women leaders in Southasian politics.

The swearing in of Kamala Harris as the first female vice president of the United States has renewed conversations on women in political leadership around the world. In Southasia, where several women have assumed the prime ministerial and presidential offices in the past, these discussions are complicated by the dynastic background of the leaders, from Sirimavo Bandaranaike and Indira Gandhi, to Benazir Bhutto and Sheikh Hasina.

But does dynasty alone explain the presence of a few prominent women in national electoral politics in Southasia? How do we view the space for women leaders in provincial or municipal politics, especially in light of the region's complex caste, religious and linguistic makeup? And have Southasia's women leaders brought alternative styles of leadership in their political journeys? These are the questions that inspire this first edition of 'Southasian Conversation' — our new crossborder discussion series.

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Himal Southasian