Farhad Mazhar: Left for what?

The Bangladesh government's 1995 case against poet and activist Farhad Mazhar resulted from the publication of his article, "The Ansar Rebellion", in the Bengali magazine Chinta. The article examined the Bangladesh Ansar paramilitary force´s 1994 rebellion demanding better working conditions, and the government's ruthless suppression of the uprising using another paramilitary force, the Bangladesh Rifles.

The case ended within a very short period, and a chastened government set Mazhar free under a court ruling. As reported in the international media, the case was a victory for progressive, anti-censorship forces in Bangladesh and elsewhere. Placed within its full context, however, the case becomes a more complex issue, illustrating the rise of a New Left element in Bangladesh that leaves traditional "progressives" confused at best, suspicious at worst.

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