Photo: Sulay Ranjit
Photo: Sulay Ranjit

‘Them greedy victims’

NOTES FROM THE FIELD: As the memory of the devastation of April-May earthquakes recedes, some have resorted to victim blaming.

Before we travelled to Gorkha Bazaar in early August 2015, the headquarters of the district that was the epicentre of the 25 April earthquake, we knew people were already accusing earthquake victims of being insincere about the aid they had received.

In late June, a friend posted on Facebook details of a meeting his friend had with a Village Development Committee (VDC) secretary, the government's representative at the village level. The secretary was tasked with creating a list of earthquake-affected families in his VDC and distributing identity cards to earthquake victims, which would entitle them to relief material. The official claimed that the public turned out to be bigger 'swindlers' than politicians, bureaucrats, journalists and other VDC secretaries themselves. He was referring to what he thought was the locals' tendency to report themselves as victims of the earthquake even when their houses seemed relatively fine.

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