Camping in Kabul

Hippies, Russians, the Taliban – Afghanistan has always had a little something for everyone. Now a land in crisis is getting reacquainted with tourists.

I am going to be the only tourist in Kabul, I think as the plane from Dubai touches down between military helicopters and fighter jets. Less than three hours later, I see a small man, holding up a tiny banner, walking amongst the rubble of several bombed-out buildings, followed by people with white sun hats and sky-blue lip protection, all of whom are busily clicking photos of bullet holes in the building walls – a Japanese tour group. Kabul is a funny city. Does that sound absurd? Perhaps fittingly: after all, the Theater of the Absurd was invented in France as a means of demonstrating the insanity of the world and the lost people within it. Not to mention the fact that it was a reaction to the horror of two world wars. Today, Afghanistan has produced a more contemporary variety of both madness and terror. It is called Kabul.

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