Dateline Jaffna

Sri Lanka's 14 months of ceasefire have brought monumental changes in the lives of Tamils in the north and east. Challenges remain - both at the political level as well as at ground-level reality - but the foundation for a sustainable peace on the island has been laid. Some impressions of what Jaffana's people want and what the future is likely to hold.

25-year-old Selva joined the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) seven years ago after her parents were shot dead in front of her eyes in Jaffna. She is taking me to an LTTE 'girls hostel' through darkness punctuated by only the feeble rays of a kerosene lamp. The hostel is located in the LTTE economic centre at Vatakatchy in the Killinochchi region in Wanni. This is territory where the LTTE has run a de facto army for 19 years.

The walk through the centre to the girls hostel is a winding journey through demolished buildings standing deathly white in the dark. On reaching the hostel, a worn building with peeling walls and a thatched roof, Selva arranges some meagre bedding on a hard wooden bed. There are three rooms in the hostel in which they sleep on mats on the floor. The beds have apparently been brought in specifically to accommodate the four female journalists, myself included, who are visiting the premises.

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