Dr Govinda KC. Photo: Trilok Pandey
Dr Govinda KC. Photo: Trilok Pandey

Doctor’s appointment

Since 2012, Dr Govinda KC has launched seven separate rounds of hunger strikes to demand a wide range of reforms in medical education within Nepal.

In the tail end of January 2016, the prospect of an orthopaedic surgeon sitting for a fast-unto-death emerged as a prominent media story in the febrile political atmosphere that pervades Kathmandu.

This might have appeared unusual in a country where politics in recent times had revolved around issues like constitution writing and the deadly 2015 earthquake. Yet, a series of protests by Dr Govinda KC – a professor of orthopedics at Nepal's largest public hospital, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital (TUTH), popularly called the Teaching Hospital – over the last four years has managed to amass significant popular attention and support.

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