Exhuming Accountability

Exhuming Accountability

Conference on transitional justice in Southasia | Hosted by Himal Southasian and the International Center for Transitional Justice.

Conference on transitional justice in Southasia

23-25 January, Kathmandu | Hosted by Himal Southasian and the International Center for Transitional Justice

Across Southasia, social movements have worked to demand justice and accountability during the region's darkest hours – involving pogroms against minorities; human-rights abuse in the context of armed conflict; abuse and impunity by entrenched economic elites; violence against Dalits, indigenous communities and migrants; violence against women; militaries operating with state-sanctioned impunity within and across borders; violations by armed opposition groups with little accountability to local communities; the global 'war on terror' and its perverse dynamics in the region; and forced evictions of communities by dams and mines, urban real-estate mafia, or feudal landlords.

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Himal Southasian