Lumpens in the constabulary: Gujarat

It was in the mid-1950s that Justice AN Mullah castigated the police, calling it the "biggest organised goonda (goon) force" in India. Many events have occurred since then to reinforce that perception, and the sentiment expressed by Justice Mullah is probably shared by a broad cross-section of the people. News about the atrocities committed by the police, supposedly in the course of maintaining law and order is regular fare. And the worst manifestation of organised police misbehaviour is on display when they are left to deal with communal conflagrations.

Successive commissions of enquiry into communal riots have reprimanding the police in no uncertain terms for the weak First Information Reports (FIRs) it lodges or for the dereliction of duty on its part in not assisting the aggrieved parties. Over time, from merely being standoffish during communal tensions the police has graduated to playing an active role in vitiating the social atmosphere during riots.

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