Under the gun: The Shi’ites of Karachi

 Violence against minorities in Pakistan

Sectarian violence in Sindh is spiralling out of control, and it is doctors who are being targetted. Those with the means are emigrating to safer locations, but most among the targetted minorities find a government unable or unwilling to protect them.

violent end awaited Dr Aal-I-Safdar Zaidi, a con-sultant nephrologist, who had returned to Pakistan three months ago after an 11-year stint in the United States, when he left for work at the Karachi Kidney Centre on the morning of 4 March this year. At a traffic signal in the centre of the city two armed men on a motorcycle pulled up alongside his car and sprayed him with bullets. Shot in the head and face, Zaidi collapsed onto the steering wheel. The assailants escaped well before the shocked bystanders could react.

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