Caution: Development Ahead

Three books on behalf of those waylaid by certain notions of progress, which see it as the monopoly sector of the state and the playground of the market. 

(The Dispossessed:Victims of Development in Asia edited by Vinod Raina. Aditi Chowdhury and Sumit Chowdhury) 

(The Greater Common Good by Arundhati Roy IndiaBook Distributors, Bombay, 1999)

(Power Play: A Study of the Enron Project by Abhay Mehta Orient Longman. New Delhi. 1999)

The books under review have been written variously by a group of activists, an internationally acclaimed novelist and an energy analyst. The Dispossessed takes the perspective of those affected by the social and environmental ills wrought by mismanaged development; The Greater Common Good is a protest essay on involuntary displacement by a specific water development project; and Power Play is about energy planning in India, and bases its analysis on the Dhabol Power Plant in Maharashtra. There is, however, a common thread binding these works, and that is the question of how the growing needs of changing societies can be met without the attendant social, environmental, political and economic marginalisation.

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