Dead Gurus Don’t Kick Ass

A Season in Heaven:
True Tales from the Road to Kathmandu

by David Tomory
Harper Collins, London, 1996
pp 237, GBP 4.95 ISBN 1 85538 444 2

This entertaining reconstruction of the days of the hippie circuit from the survivors seeks to fix the flavour of the gypsy generation of Western youth engaged in colonisation-in-reverse, of white mendicants demanding cultural alms from the East. David Tomory has edited the diaries and the disaster reports adroitly and keeps the narrative moving in its cyclic fulfillment—back in the West—with linking commentary. But it is a pity that a writer of Mr Tomory´s depth, range and punch did not allow more of his background knowledge to illuminate the field. Nevertheless, this anthology of travellers´ highlights would make a brilliant script for a TV documentary, what with the exotic background visuals of Goa, Manali and Kabul.

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