'The Karma of Brown Folk' by Vijay Prashad, University of Minnesota Press, 2000. 
'The Karma of Brown Folk' by Vijay Prashad, University of Minnesota Press, 2000. 

Dissecting the American Desi

'The Karma of Brown Folk'

by Vijay Prashad, University of Minnesota Press, 2000. 

During the years of slavery in America, there was a hierarchy of blackness. 'House niggers', those slaves who curried favour with their white masters, were allowed to live in the plantation home and enjoyed a higher status of slavehood than their brethren who worked the fields. That house niggers were usually fairer, after generations of 'intimacy' with their masters, further contributed to their status and to the lessening of their blackness.

It always paid to have a bit of 'cream in your coffee'.

In The Karma of Brown Folk (2000), Vijay Prashad explodes the myth of South Asians as a 'model minority', and argues convincingly that they perpetuate racial inequality in the US, precisely because of their willingness to play this role of house nigger. Preposterous, you say? Read this book and you may be convinced otherwise.

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