Dove He Was Not

My South Block Years:
Memoirs of a Foreign Secretary

J.N. Dixit

UBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 1996 INR 395, ISBN 81 7476 132 2

Indira Gandhi listened attentively as Henry Kissinger urged her to comply with Washington´s wishes, implying that otherwise US aid to India might be at risk. When he had finished, without a word, she reached for the telephone and spoke to a senior official. "Mr Kissinger has just told me that he has no further need for his aid office in Delhi," she said. "Please arrange for it to be dosed down within 24 hours." She beamed at the Secretary of State. "I think that deals with your problem, Mr Secretary."   For once, the great man was reduced to stuttering protest. But another, less elevated, Indian official sitting in the comer of the Prime Minister´s office could scarcely repress a chortle. Years later, he tells the tale with relish. The exercise of power in defence of India´s interests comes very gladly to J. N. Dixit´s heart—and he has had experience of that himself. Not for nothing was he known in Sri Lanka as "The Viceroy" at the time when the Indian Peace-Keeping Force was operating on the island.

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