Mumbai skyscrapers
Source: Wikimedia Commons
Mumbai skyscrapers Source: Wikimedia Commons

Something rotten

A recent book explores the systemic rot that holds India to ransom.

Most journalists reporting from the corridors of power in Southasia are often repositories of stories that never get told. Josy Joseph, award-winning investigative journalist and National Security Editor of the Hindu, treads a different path. He puts together his untold stories, linking them across the board, to present a graphic account of the systemic rot that holds a country like India to ransom. A Feast of Vultures: The Hidden Business of Democracy in India is the result.

A bone-chilling account of the path traversed by the world's largest democracy since adopting liberalisation and economic reforms in the 1990s, the book records exactly how and why crony capitalism and the mushrooming of a host of intermediaries denies any dividends or instruments of democracy to the vast majority of the country's poor.

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Himal Southasian