Postcards from Pakistan

Satellite television is reaching out, but the target audience is still Indians.

It´s 11:30 on a lazy Sunday morning, India time, and if you want to look over the wall for a friendly neighbourhood chat, this is probably your best bet. Stop surfing the tv channels and select Star Plus where anchor Aamir Qureshi overcomes all visa and travel restrictions and takes you to Pakistan for half an hour in Postcards from Pakistan.

Within seconds you are transported to Lahore, the city the anchor describes as dilwalo ka shahar (where the large-hearted live). And what do people with large hearts do: keep outsized pets, naturally. The camera zooms in on two brothers Chand and Khalid as they walk their pet lions through the streets of Lahore. The brothers are pahalwans (wrestlers) (they better be if they want to keep lions!) and the camera treats y ou to some cuddly moments as Chand and Khalid play with their fearsome pets as though they were mere cats. The Lahori lions are between four to eight years old and drink many litres of milk and consume many kilos of meat daily; their meals are incomplete without dessert, and they equally favour ice cream or kulfi.

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